Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thank you Soul Journallers



Linda D. said...

These are all lovely, Adrienne, so pleased you've found a creative spark - it certainly seems to be working well :) Sorry I haven't said anything via the SJgroup, been bit under par recently, but I agree - great group :) Take care and keep creating if you can - the results are def worth the effort!!!!

Kathryn Costa said...

This is a cheery and fun collage. I love the little bird and the hands in the shape of a heart is a great image.

Virginia said...

Adrienne this is a wonderful collage.So visually appealing.I hope all is well with you.. Your work is stunning.

teri said...

Hills, trees and birds are such lovely things to dream of. Your collage is lovely and speaks of an innocent chiildhood filled with love.

Kathryn Costa said...

Merry Christmas to you my dear one. I have a present for you on my blog. Swing by when you get a moment.

{soul hugs}

morningDove said...

How have i missed checking out your blog. i love this collage. to capture the light of your heart like you did is fantastic. btw, i love your textured page on soul journaling. you do amazing work.
hope you are feeling better soon.
i also see you enjoy trading. i would love to do that with you.

Jules said...

I think this is my favorite so far!!!